In collaboration with Jenna Bickhardt.
2019, Parsons Paris x OECD, #techfortrust
Idea Proposal

Jenna and Nasia's intention is to create an art piece which engages a specific space, being the OECD conference center, and a particular audience, being 1500 attendees, which will serve as the conference centerpiece and instigate bigger discussion and thought towards the designated platform. The artwork must also emanate the conference’s theme message of #techfortrust. Our proposals conceptually portray the imagery of this trust, through their choices of medium, form, and mediation. They focus in a positive manner on both benefits and downfalls which come with the digtial age in the globalized world. The following project proposals have been inspired from interactivity within installations, technological integration, structural minimalism, and faculty direction. They take into consideration time limitation, construction needs, budget, and political correctness. Jenna and Nasia's hope is that the right project, well-articulated, will translate an optimistic yet critical perspective on the subject of «technology for trust» on behalf of the OECD to its conference audience.
The Domino Effect focuses on effects and causes in the context of trust within the realms of technology. The project is composed of eight dominoes which grow in ascending size upon viewer confrontation. The domino pieces are representative of choices and consequences, whether positive or negative, and their arrangement refers to the possible impact which occupies an exponential effect. Similar to the concept of a snowball effect, each choice causes a linked chain reaction which grows as it progresses. To represent these causes and effects,Jenna and Nasia have chosen specific vocabulary relating to these choices to be portrayed on each domino. To incorporate the technological aspect, they have filtered all vocabulary through a binary translator, turning letters to 1s and 0s.
Credits: Lowpoly people by Loïc Norgeot (CC Attribution)