In collaboration with Sacha Assi and Thalia Kassem.
2019, Dimensions
VR experience (Oculus), Video

Everytime we close our eyes and drift into sleep, we might be faced with the dream world which we have no control over. We can end up with a beautiful dream or a horrific nightmare. Often these illusions are brought forth because of life circumstances and issues we are currently facing in the real world. In other words, this vision during our sleep may be very well a reveal of our deepest fears or our greatest fantasies. Taking inspiration from this natural reaction of human nature, Sacha, Thalia and Nasia wish to create an inspirational dream world that is separated into a utopia and a dystopia.
VR Game in exhibition space: Player lies on white bed in the middle of the room while playing with the Oculus headset on and with a game controller.
VR Game in exhibition space: Player lies on white bed in the middle of the room while playing with the Oculus headset on and with a game controller.