2018, Core Studio 1 (Typographic Cast)
This project plays with the combination between a typeface and a fictional character. The font used here is the Infini, created by Sandrine Nugue with the help of Laurent Bourcellier and Mathieu Réguer for the Graphisme en France 2014 program. It is commissioned by the Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP, National Center of Visual Arts) and is available to the public. On the official Infini Website it is noted: “Infini is intended to be shareware, downloadable free of charge thanks to the initiative of the Centre national des arts plastiques." This typeface embodies the history of pictogram, writing and typography. The typographical developments, from Gutenberg until the use of Roman, are thoroughly considered during the process of design. The fictional character portrayed through this typeface is Jo March from the novel Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Jo is the tomboy of the family and in her father’s absence, takes on the role of man of the house. She has an adventurous spirit and likes to act along with her sisters. Her greatest ambition is to become a successful writer. She also struggles to control her temper. However, after every outburst, she regrets her actions and her words. Taken into account both Jo March’s characteristics and the story of Infini, this print is created.